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Currently, there are 23 PACIFICA Inc. affiliated Branches across Aotearoa, New Zealand. Most branches meet monthly and have elected officers. Each branch is relatively autonomous and independent because within the wider aims and objectives, branches run specific projects in response to members own involvements and community priorities. Branches exist to create opportunities for Pasifika women, to support one another and encourage each other to contribute and participate in the wider community especially on issues that affect them and their families.

All branches are affiliated with the national body through payment of annual subscriptions and membership fees. P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A Inc has a regional structure where branches within each of the three regions (Northern, Central and Southern) are co-ordinated by a regional Vice-President. The three regional Vice-Presidents are elected by their regions and hold office on the National Executive committee.  Elections for National executive positions are held every 2 years.



1. Whangārei

2. Hibiscus

3. West Auckland

4. Auckland Central

5. Heilala Manongi 'o Maungakiekie

6. Tāmaki

7. Manukau

8. Counties

9. Tamaitai o le Moana 

10. Vaiola

11. Tokoroa


1. Tiare Ahuriri (Napier)

2. Palmerston North

3. Whitireia (Porirua)

4. Aro'a Tunoa (Porirua)

5. Hutt Valley

6. Wellington Central

7. Vāhine Orama (Newtown)


1. Christchurch

2. Dunedin

3. Dunedin Central

4. Invercargill

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