We wish to congratulate all the successful recipients of the PACIFICA Scholarship funds 2021/22 to assist in their studies for 2023.
Laura Tuiai
Otago Polytechnic Dunedin
Dunedin Central
Mila Sialava'a
Wellington East Girls College Wellington
Newtown Vahine Orama
Sosefina Filo
Massey University
Wellington Central
Tailua Roma
Victoria University Wellington
Wellington Central
Fugala’au Mafi
Victoria University Wellington
Wellington Central
Laura Tuiai

Laura Iosefa is from Saleaaumua and Lotoso’a Saleimoa. She was born and raised in Samoa, is a single mother of three kids, and recently became a member of the Pacifica Dunedin Central Branch. Being connected with other Pacifica women, members and leaders and receiving support from them, greatly inspires Laura.
Laura is currently studying Exercise Certificate Level 4 at Otago Polytechnic this year as well as juggling being a single mother and she has found this challenging. Her future goal is to become a Personal Trainer or Fitness Instructor so she can help and support Pacific peoples to become fit and live healthy lifestyles. Her studies in Exercise Certificate Level 5 in 2023 will help her achieve her goal.
This Award will help to support Laura financially towards her study for 2023. She is very thankful.
Mila Sialava'a

Mila Sialava’a is our Central region (Newtown Vahine Orama) successful recipient for the Secondary School Scholarship Fund 2023! She is of Samoa and Niue descent and attends Wellington East Girls College (4 years) and is currently a Year 12 student there.
Year 12 TuTagata Poly Festival Leader (2022)
Deep connections to her Samoan culture
Youth rep for her PACIFICA Inc. branch Newtown Vahine Orama
Strong ties through her family, to their church in Kilbirnie. Mila is a Youth Leader at church too
Member of school’s Cultural Committee 2019 to 2022
Rawhiti School Choir Section Leader (2022) and Choir member (2019-2022).
The P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A Inc. Secondary School Scholarship Fund 2023 will help support Mila with her school activities and leadership commitments/fees.
Sosefina Filo

Sosefina Filo is another Central region successful recipient for the Tertiary Scholarship 2023! She is of Samoan descent and attends Massey University, Wellington (currently a fashion design honours student, planning to do her masters next year).
Works at Massey University as a Kafa Kollective Events Coordinator. (A Pasifika initiative with the aim to mentor students at Massey Uni, Wgtn).
An Events Coordinator for Massey Association of Pacific Students (MAPS)
Service/tautua at her church
Volunteer for many organisations such as the Downtown Community Ministry (DCM) and Kids Camps New Zealand (Wgtn)
Proud Samoan, her family is her strength
Fashion design honours student, final assignment is creating an innovative collection of four complete garments with the aim to graduate at the end of this year!
The P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A Inc. Tertiary Scholarship Fund 2023 will help support Sosefina with her study costs not limited to the following expenses – fees, fabrics, professional photographer, models time, accessories for her collection, and living costs too.
Tailua Roma

Tailua Roma is another Central region successful recipient for a Tertiary Scholarship 2023. She is of Samoan descent and attends Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington (currently a Bachelor of Laws student all on track one more year left, 2023).
NZAID Scholarship recipient in the past, who graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in International Relations and Political Science in 2018
Worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Samoa for 2 years
Is in her third year as a law student and plans to graduate at the end of next year with her law degree!
Studying full-time, and working part-time at the Ministry of Justice,
The P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A Inc. Tertiary Scholarship Fund 2023 will help support Tailua with her pay for tuition fees and give her some financial stability, especially during her final year at Vic.
Fugala'au Mafi

Fugala’au Mafi is another Central region successful recipient for a Tertiary Scholarship 2023 and is of Tongan descent.
Fugala’au attends Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington (currently a Bachelor of Laws international student from Tonga, in her 4th year). Studies currently funded by the NZAID Scholarship.
Inspired by her mother and her actions of not only advocating for herself but for public servants and women in the Kingdom
Giving people a voice. Fugala’au wants to give a voice to the marginalised, the vulnerable and the poor
Fugala’au is currently employed as a Community Advisor for Kelburn Flats at Victoria University
As an international student for the last 4 years completing her law degree and living amongst the Pasifika and student community, she has dealt with many pastoral care situations with students.
The P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A Inc. Tertiary Scholarship Fund 2023 will help support and invest in Fugala’au’s legal career - Professional Legal Studies Course (Profs.) too.